5 Free NGO systems in 2023

by | Oct 20, 2022 | Management | 0 comments

TiTrias 10th birthday is approaching fast, Although the company wasn’t registered until March 2016, but the blog started way back in June 2013. We are giving the same opportunity to NGOs to have a complete solution! We will handle all technical work for the first year (free of charge). We think small changes make the biggest difference. So we will help you take the first step towards making your NGO work more visible and more organized.

NGO initiative rules:

  1. The project scope must have a clear explanation of how it will serve a group of people. 
  2. The NGO must have legal papers in the country of registration. 
  3. The system will be either licensed to be used by the NGO or if applicable the source code of the project will be released under GPL (Open-sourced), so that any other NGO can make use of the same project. Releasing the source code will be applicable under specific circumstances only.
  4. We will accept projects based solely on the scope, so depending on the scope we might approve the project and give an estimate of completion, or we can postpone the project if our capacity doesn’t allow, or we will just come to an agreement about a smaller scope with the NGO to get the app up and running, we will try our best to accept all projects until next year and schedule accordingly. 
  5. We will try to deal with the projects in a first come first serve manner unless a scope would take more time than what we can fit in our calendar, in that case we will need to postpone it until we have capacity for it. All about that will be communicated transparently to the NGO. We will try our best to accept all projects.
  6. NGOs or projects of political nature will NOT be accepted. 
  7. NGOs or projects that supports specific race, sex, religion or any subset/group of people specifically will NOT be accepted. 
  8. NGOs or projects that has any discrimination against any group of people or a minority will NOT be accepted.  

Solution #1: Bless: Homeless data management system.

Bless System allows you to automate and manage food distribution to homeless people, by creating groups consisting of group admins (One or more) and food servers (Those who prepare food and deliver it to homeless). On the system, you can store locations on map to indicate the number of people in each area so that the route to cover them and the number of needed meals can be easily calculated.

Source Code: github.com/TiTrias/bless

Solution #2: Open

Solution #3: Open

Solution #4: Open

Solution #5: Open

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